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The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) is making alterations to its experience modification factor for 2024. 这些变化预计将在11月11日或之后的每个州的常规申请日期生效. 1, 2023.

This 工作对比 provides the NCCI’s answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) concerning the new changes. 



经验评级计划(计划)的公式和总体结构保持不变. 某些底层组件将受到影响:

  • 初始/超额损失分岔点(分岔点)
  • 州索赔事故限制(SAL)和美国海岸和港口工人赔偿(USL)&每次索赔事故限制
  • G值
  • 计算重量(W)和压舱物(B)值的可信性参数
  • 贴现率(d -ratio)


This item will become effective for experience rating modifications with rating effective dates on and after each state’s anticipated loss cost/rate filing, 哪些在2024年普遍生效. 具体的州评级生效日期从11月6日开始. 2023年1月1日至8月1日. 2024年1月1日,最常见的生效日期是1月15日. 1, 2024.


NCCI定期评估计划方法和绩效. 在最近一次审查期间, NCCI确定了一些改善计划绩效的机会, 这些修订将导致:

  • 一个更准确和预测的体验评级修改
  • Experience rating modifications that reflect a more equitable determination of primary and excess losses across states with varying cost levels
  • 在索赔费用与全国平均水平差异较大的州,更具可比性的计划绩效
  • Experience rating modifications that are less sensitive to large outlier claims without sacrificing predictive accuracy
  • 更一致地计算每个雇主的预期申索数目, 哪一种方法能使每个雇主的损失经历获得更适当的可信度.
  • 重新校准了权重和压舱值背后的可信度参数,以增加雇主之间的公平
  • 消除没有附加值的复杂计算


项目E-1409已在所有NCCI州(包括AK州)归档, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NM, NV, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT和WV). 它将被推荐给以下独立的主席团国家考虑, MA, MN, NC和WI.


预计这些变化总体上是保费中性的. 每个州的总体平均体验评级修改预计不会受到这些变化的影响. Initial fluctuations at the individual employer level may be offset by changes in loss experience and routine updates to rating values. 最终, this update to the Plan is expected to result in overall improved performance of the Plan and increased equity across individual employers.


对于任何雇主来说,经验评级的调整可能会增加、减少或保持不变. 整体, the proposed changes to the experience rating modification calculation are expected to produce Plan performance that is both improved and more comparable across states.


No. 所有建议的变更都符合现有的计划框架(即, 一个全州范围的分界点). Interstate experience rating will continue without disruption regardless of whether other bureaus decide to adopt similar changes to their own experience rating values and methodologies



The primary/excess loss split point divides the losses from each historical claim into two layers: primary losses (those beneath the split point) and excess losses (those above the split point).

例如, 如果分界点是15美元,000, 索赔总额为50美元,000人将捐助15美元,000给初级层,35美元,000到多余的图层. 在经验评级修正公式中,初级损失的权重大于超额损失. 正因为如此,初级损失对经验评级修改的影响更大.



A key improvement of the proposed Plan changes is increased recognition of differences in state cost levels through a state-specific split point. 根据现行计划, 分裂点是基于一个共同的水平,并没有不同的NCCI状态.

例如, 而不是现在的18美元,500人申请到所有州, 在拟议计划下, 索赔严重程度高于平均水平的州可能有25美元的分割点价值,000, 而索赔严重程度低于平均水平的州可能有15美元的分割点价值,000.


当NCCI评估当前计划在各州的表现时, 很明显,进一步认识到各州的严重程度差异是一个改进的机会.

The use of state-specific split point values that reflect individual state cost differences is intended to better align across states the weight given to actual employer loss experience in the experience rating modification calculation. 反过来, this is expected to produce improved and more comparable Plan performance in states with claim costs that vary significantly from the countrywide average.


是的. 跟上索赔费用的变化,并与其他经验评级参数保持一致, it is anticipated that the split point value will be indexed concurrently with each state’s annual loss cost/rate filing. 这与计算经验评级修改时使用的所有其他评级值一致.

什么是每项索赔事故限制(SAL) ??

SAL是可能影响体验评级调整的任何索赔的最高金额. 例如, 如果SAL是200美元,000, 那么,任何损失超过这一数额的索赔将以200美元为限,000,以便计算经验评级修改. 目前,SAL的计算方法是每个案例的州平均成本乘以25. SAL也可以在状态参考点(SRP)的10%处得到。, 其中SRP的计算方法是州平均每箱成本乘以250.

The SAL is intended to curtail the impact that extremely large outlier claims have on the experience rating modification because these dollars are not expected to be predictive of future loss experience beyond a certain point.


SAL将使用每个州损失时间索赔的第95个百分位数来计算. 这种新方法预计将在所有州产生较低的限制, making the experience rating modifications less sensitive to large outlier claims without sacrificing predictive accuracy.

Why is it desirable to have the SAL be more consistent across states while the split point is being proposed to vary by state?

简而言之,这些值有不同的用途. The SAL is used to curtail the impact of large claims on the experience rating modification because large outlier claims are generally not expected to be predictive of future loss experience. The use of a state-level 95th percentile results in an SAL that is expected to impact the largest 5% of loss-time claims. 另一方面, the split point is meant to segment the dollars associated with each claim into primary and excess layers—dollars beneath the split point enter the primary layer, 而分裂点以上的则属于多余层. The proposed split points are established so that they result in approximately the same share of total loss dollars being allocated to the primary layer across states. 从这个意义上说,更新后的分裂点在各州之间也更加一致.


USL的&HW per claim accident limitation is being updated to reflect the 95th percentile of lost-time claims belonging to F classifications. 类似于SAL的变化, 随着时间的推移,这种新方法有望产生更稳定的限制.

The state multiple-claim accident limitation will continue to be calculated as twice the corresponding per claim accident limitation. The disease loss limitation will continue to be calculated using a multiple of the approved per claim accident limitation as detailed in the Plan.



G值表示州平均索赔严重程度(单位为千美元). 它的主要用途是确定雇主的预期索赔数, 什么是赋予其主要损失和超额损失经验的可信度的基础. G值根据每个州的年度损失成本/费率文件进行更新.


The calculation of G will be revised to reflect accident limitations and the 70% reduction of medical-only losses (per the experience rating adjustment [ERA]), 在适用情况下.

在计算雇主的预期申索款额时, 雇主的预期损失除以G值(平均申索严重程度). 因为预期损失已经反映了ERA和事故限制, this change in how G is calculated makes for a more consistent calculation of each employer’s expected claim count. 反过来, 预计这将导致对每个雇主的损失经历赋予更适当的可信度.


The W and B values influence the degree to which an employer’s actual losses impact the experience rating modification. W和B值由一组10个可信度参数决定, 这些参数在二十多年里没有更新过.


The proposed credibility parameters underlying the W and B values have been recalibrated to increase equity across employers.


有资格获得经验评级, 雇主的主题保费必须达到或超过州的最低资格金额. 本计划更新建议不对当前保费资格阈值索引方法进行更改.

This 工作对比 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. 设计©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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